While people of color make up 40% of the U.S. population, people of color donā€™t exceed a 12-16% green ceiling of representation in the climate movement. Even though weā€™re here and being disproportionately impacted by the climate crisis, weā€™re not in leadership positions. 

In contrast, our ecosystem of programs has been designed to ignite climate action at every level of society. From everyday interactions between neighbors to lobbying for federal legislationā€“our programs empower Black girl environmentalists with the resources, opportunities, and community to safeguard our futures.

  • The Hazel M. Johnson Fellowship is a first-of-its-kind climate internship pipeline program for early career BGEs (rising juniors, rising seniors, and recent graduates). Over 10 weeks, interns gain a network of peers, professional development, and industry experience to thrive as the next generation of climate leadership. 

  • Located in 14 cities, our rapidly growing HUB Program facilitates opportunities for our members to convene, build community, and advocate for climate action in their community. Each HUB city hosts monthly convenings that fall under the following areas of impact: Nature-based wellness; Youth empowerment & service; and Green jobs.

  • The College Mentorship Program connects early-career BGEs to well-seasoned BGEs who are excited to invest in the next generation of climate and environmental leaders. Over six months, mentees gain the tools to map their career and personal goals in a community of like-minded individuals.

  • We host events that correspond with larger climate movement convenings and non-climate related, cultural convenings to reorient the climate change narrative towards environmental justice and radical joy.

  • Get in Your Career Bag aims to bridge the gap between access and representation for early career professionals from historically marginalized groups in the environmental and/or clean energy field(s). We lead three primary initiatives under this program: Clean Energy Futures, Climate Pathways, and BIPOC Green Career Summit.

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