Black Girl Environmentalist is a national organization dedicated to addressing the pathway and retention issue in the climate movement for Black girls, women, and gender-expansive people. By empowering emerging climate leaders of color, we are committed to supporting Black girls, women, and gender-expansive people in realizing their full potential in climate leadership.
Black Girl Environmentalist follows the Black Women Best framework.
Coined by Janelle Jones, the Black Women Best framework argues that if our government brings Black women from the margins to the center and intentionally creates policies that pull Black women out of economic precarity and into economic prosperity, then everyone will benefit.
Countless studies demonstrate that Black women are both among the last to recover and benefit during times of environmental crisis and of the least supported in the green workforce.
By nourishing Black women-led environmental solutions and leadership through the lens of “Black Women Best,” we can collectively cultivate a just climate future in which all people have power, security, dignity, and prosperity—in the climate crisis and beyond.
Green Workforce Development
The Problem: While many early career Black girls, women, and gender-expansive people are interested in pursuing green career paths, concerns around obtaining well-paying jobs, the availability of diverse work environments, and the lack of green job visibility reinforce the gap between access and representation in our community.
Our Impact: We have created several pathway programs to equip emerging leaders of color with adequate funding, mentorship, and community building to enter into and advance within the climate sector. BGE…
Creates our own career pipelines to grow and sustain Black climate leadership
Makes professional development opportunities accessible and free
Mentors, trains, and funds emerging leaders
Narrative Change
The Problem: Interlocking systems of oppression have created sociopolitical conditions that distinguish Black girls and women as an at-risk group for environmental crisis. Yet, environmental scholarship has traditionally sidelined our unique positionality.
Our Impact: Through digital campaigns, speaking engagements, and educational opportunities—we ensure the people hardest hit by climate change have a voice in shaping its solutions. BGE…
Showcases climate solutions that are happening that do not get equitable airtime
Addresses climate misinformation
Invites people to have a radical imagination of regenerative futures
Community Empowerment
The Problem: While early career Black women and gender-expansive individuals are well positioned to contribute to climate solutions, lesser access to resources and community spaces restrict many from achieving their full potential.
Our Impact: We understand that the voices and visions of Black women & gender-expansive people are inherently needed to cultivate a just climate future in which all people have power, security, dignity, and prosperity. Through national programming, we cultivate a myriad of opportunities for our community to unite around environmental justice and co-create the regenerative future that we require. BGE…
Hosts city-wide climate events to foster connection and collective action
Supports national climate convenings with culturally relevant programming
Builds networks that sustain community engagement
Meet the Team
Wawa Gatheru
Founder / Executive Director
Elsa Mengistu
Director of Programs
Kwolanne Felix
Fellowships & Community Manager
Janiah Miller
HUB Coordinator
Black girls, women, and gender-expansive environmentalists interested in a supportive community of like-minded people, learning more about joining the climate movement, or pursuing green careers
Organizations and recruiters seeking diverse talent for internships, fellowships, and jobs
Institutions and partners committed to increasing the recruitment and retention of emerging Black talent
In 2021, environmental justice activist Wawa Gatheru founded Black Girl Environmentalist to address the recruitment and retention problem of Black girls, women, and non-binary people in the environmental field.
Having been in the climate space for almost ten years, Wawa could not help but notice that while Black girls and women experience the brunt of environmental injustice, they were amongst the least resourced or platformed in the climate movement. It was clear - limited access to the climate movement for Black women and gender-expansive individuals was an environmental injustice.
Today, BGE is a national organization dedicated to empowering Black girls, women, and non-binary individuals across the climate movement. By empowering and resourcing our community through community empowerment, green jobs development, and narrative change we seek to help cultivate a climate movement made in the image of all of us.
We have worked with 55 corporate and non-profit partners and hosted 86 events across our 14 HUB cities. Our work has been recognized in Vogue, the New York Times, NPR, Forbes, Essence, Teen Vogue, and Axios.
We are collectively committed to centering Black women and gender-expansive folks in the environmental movement while shifting inequitable power structures that create barriers to access environmental disciplines.